Things you should check:
- Discount must be redeemed at the physical address specified in the offer with exception to online offers which will contain the word ONLINE in the offer name.
- You must use your Flare Mastercard to redeem the offer. If the transaction is not made on the Flare Mastercard the discount will not be applied.
- If you use the Flare Mastercard at the discount location through a third party payment gateway (for example through Paypal or QR Codes at the location), you will not receive a discount.
- The discount applied is calculated based on the transaction value not including any fees that might be payable for using the card.
- For offers that have an absolute value (e.g. $5 off) you must spend at least that amount before the discount is applied. If the transaction value is less than the discount amount, no discount will be applied.
- The card-linked discount offers are operated wholly by EML Payment Solutions Limited ABN 30 131 436 532 AFSL 404131 (EML)
- Eligible merchant discounts are applied based on approved transactions on the Flare Mastercard and represented in the Flare app as a discount amount credited to your card.
- In order to receive the discount, you must have the full amount required to transact. For example for a transaction of $10 with a 10% discount, you must have $10 on your card to make the transaction. The $1 discount is then applied after the transaction is made.
- Discounts should be applied immediately to the transaction at the time of purchase. If it is not applied please reach out to Flare Support team here.